Last Month I was awarded Community Leadership Award by La Trobe University due to my contiribution in society and campus life. It's really high appreciation, and little bit surprise. For futher details just see the information below.
Students celebrate achievements

28 Jul 2009
Students from La Trobe University, Bendigo campus are gearing up for the Awards and Prizes ceremony at The Capital Theatre on Thursday 30 July 2009.
Bendigo campus director, Andrew Skewes, says the Awards and Prizes ceremony is a time for celebration for students and an opportunity to acknowledge the support the University receives from Bendigo organisations and businesses.‘We congratulate our award-winning students for their success and extend our appreciation to the many businesses and organisations in Bendigo that offer their support through these awards and scholarships,’ said Mr Skewes.Mr Skewes said that industry scholarships provide students with financial support and practical experience during their study. He said that many of the students stay in the region to work once they qualify.‘Scholarships help our students with their study expenses and give them on-the-job experience. The benefit to business and the community is that many of them then choose to live and work in the area after they graduate, a great outcome for all concerned,’ Mr Skewes said.The response to the news from award winners has been a mixture of surprise, excitement and elation.
‘I was ecstatic, proud and very surprised to win because the award was never mentioned during the course,’ says David Luc, who received the Colgate-Palmolive Academic Award in Dentistry.Bachelor of Commerce graduate, Amy Stratton received three awards and is delighted. ‘I’m pretty excited; it’s great to get a reward for all the hard work I put into my final year of study.’Recipient of the DM Myers University Medal for the outstanding undergraduate student graduating from the Faculty of Education, Meg Webster, now teaches Grade 5 students at Swan Hill Primary School and is the LOTE (Languages Other Than English) coordinator. Meg was up against students from all campuses of La Trobe University for the award.‘I was very, very surprised; I had no idea I was getting the medal until I graduated in May,’ says Meg.
Febri Soebagio is equally pleased at being awarded the City of Greater Bendigo Community Leadership Award. He volunteered his time to teach maths to the children of Burmese refugees. Febri is also the international student representative on the Bendigo Student Association committee. ‘I am excited and happy; I couldn’t believe I won the award,’ says Febri.
Georgina (Georgie) Daniel is another triple award winner. ‘I was very grateful to win the awards. I couldn’t believe it when I received the letters but I have always worked really, really hard through university.’Georgie receives the Kevin de Vries Pharmaceutical Care Award, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia Prize and the SHPA (Society of Hospital Pharmists of Australia) Pharmacy Practice and Advanced Counselling Award.Civil Engineering student,
Jackson Renton, is a double award winner. Jackson is the recipient of the Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering Dean’s Scholarship of Academic Excellence, which is awarded to the most outstanding students enrolled in courses nominated by the Dean. Jackson has also received the VicRoads civil engineering scholarship. Along with the financial support, the scholarship will also give Jackson the opportunity to work with VicRoads during his studies for up to 12 weeks a year.