All of them were encouraged to bring their own home-country food and sharing the stories on how they made it. The tables are full with more than 20 various food, which divided as vegetarian and non-vegetarian. Students from Scandinavia cooked their traditional bread with Salmon and special sauce. Indians and Sri Lankans brought their special recipe of rice, chicken and ginger tea. One of unxpected food was coming from Australian friend, who cooked Kangaroo meat in barbaque sauce (surpirsingly!).
I brought a plate full of Bakwan (which cooked by my wife). Around 20 Bakwans on the plate, with extra 30 Bakwans in the tupperware and all of them were eaten. My American friends, who never eat Bakwan before, asking the recipe and amazed with the taste. Others also curious about it, I just told them that Bakwan is very common in Indonesia and can be found anywhere (especially in street vendors).
One of my favourite food was coming from Sri Lanka. Because it served rice, and I can't feel full if eat without rice.